Yomp 2025
My Achievements

Raised £0

Raised £100

Raised £250

Raised £500

Raised £1,000

Raised £1,500

Raised £2,000

Raised £3,000

Raised £5,000

Raised £10,000

Raised £20,000

Raised £40,000

Raised £60,000

Raised £80,000

Raised £100,000
My Updates

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So January is over and Feb is upon us.. so time to stop faffing about and get some miles under the belt. So the first of the month was an 8km coastal run to get the legs pumping and give me some momentum for the rest of the month.
Yomp 2025
Thank you to my Sponsors

Ryan O'grady (kander100)

You’re a legend - good luck x

Our Team

Paul Farrington (C)

grant walton

steven kelly

Carl Tinkler

jenny kelly

Maverick Smith

Adrian Burns

Lee Finch

Mick Byrne

Kent Bickmore

John Beckett