I have read and understood the Event Rules and agree to abide by the terms set out therein.
General Disclaimer
All participants pledge to raise £400 per person for the Army Benevolent Fund.
All participants enter into Cateran Yomp of their own will, understanding the arduous nature of the event. As such they must be medically fit to participate and take full responsibility for their own personal health and fitness.
For safety reasons, from the Bronze checkpoint each Yomper MUST be walking in a group of at least 3 from that point on.
Anyone who wants to run the event will start at 0800hrs.
Throughout the event, participants will be checked for their suitability to continue on grounds of capability including their equipment and state of health. If any of the marshals and medical staff believe that the safety of the individual will be compromised by their continued participation, they reserve the right to ask that person or persons to stop. If that person or persons continue on the route they will no longer be officially participating in the event and TrueGrit Events Ltd, The Army Benevolent Fund and associates take no further responsibility for their participation and state of health.
All participants agree to abide by the terms and conditions set out in the Cateran Yomp Safety Brief which takes place on Friday 6 June 2025. All participants MUST attend this compulsory safety brief at the Event Hub.
Medical Disclaimer
In the event of an accident or illness whilst taking part in this event, I hereby give permission for Medical staff to initiate medical treatment and to inform my Next of Kin in case of hospitalisation.
To the best of my knowledge I submit a true and accurate description of my medical history and current condition. I understand that I am taking part in an event in a remote and rural location where there will be a longer medical response time in the event of emergency. I agree to take part in this event at my own risk and will not hold the medics responsible in the event or acute illness, injury or death.
Participants must agree to inform us of any medical or other condition that might affect their ability to take part in the event.
Privacy Policy
I understand and agree that by submitting an online registration to participate in this event, I am consenting to receive email and postal communications from The Army Benevolent Fund regarding The Cateran Yomp. I acknowledge that it is my responsibility to ensure emails regarding my participation in the event sent by The Army Benevolent Fund and/or event organisers (including but not limited to email receipts, tickets and advanced notices) are received by me, and are not redirected to Spam or Junk folders or sent to email addresses I do not have access to.
I acknowledge that my data will only be used for marketing purposes, including but not limited to electronic marketing, if I provide specific consent for this during the registration process. I understand that I may unsubscribe from any marketing lists I do opt in to receiving at any time, either by using the link provided in e-mails or by calling The Army Benevolent Fund at any time.
I am aware that The Army Benevolent Fund will never sell or otherwise distribute my details to any third party, except in regards to providing health and safety data to the event organisers for use in that respect only.
Remember, you can change your mind at any time about how we contact you, or tell us to stop contacting you altogether: Call on: 0207 901 8912; email: supportercare@armybenevolentfund.org; write to: The Army Benevolent Fund, Mountbarrow House 6-20 Elizabeth Street, London SW1W 9RB