Steven Collier

The Cateran Yomp 2025

On the 8 - 9 June 2024, I am taking part in The Cateran Yomp. A 54-mile hike in 24 hours across rural Perthshire.

It’s going to be tough but it will raise vital funds for ABF The Soldiers’ Charity, the Army's National Charity, providing a lifetime of support to soldiers, veterans and their immediate families.

Please give generously, and thank you for your support. 

My Achievements

Raised £0

Raised £100

Raised £250

Raised £500

Raised £1,000

Raised £1,500

Raised £2,000

Raised £3,000

Raised £5,000

Raised £10,000

Raised £20,000

Raised £40,000

Raised £60,000

Raised £80,000

Raised £100,000

My Updates


Why am I putting myself through this again? I completed the event in 2015 and got gold so  thats it no need to do it again, right?  But here I am willing to put my self thorough the pain once again. I guess if ABF are willing to help soldiers through hard times then I can do what I can to help. Lets see how it goes this time around.