We've created this page because we want to make a difference.
We are inspired by the work of the Army Benevolent Fund and wanted to support them by raising money as part of our participation in the Virtual Frontline Walk. Please help us help them by giving whatever you can use the 'Donate' button.
The more people that know about the Army Benevolent Fund, the greater their impact, so please also spread the word by sharing our page with your friends and family.
Thank you in advance for your generosity, it means a lot.
Thank you to our Sponsors
Paul Hodgson
Mark Cocoran
Good luck , young man
Go for it pal
Gillian Piggot
All the best of luck! You can do it. 💪🏻
David Taylor
Chris Kenny
Linda Magner
Good Luck Dave do it for my Grandad too captured at Dunkirk and kept as a POW . One of the first to be captured and the last to be released he was an older man who had retired after years of service he was called back. Lest we forget. And KRO
Kev Salsbury
Forever inspiring as usual. Go smash the challenge!
Steve Smith
Good to see you Dave, I was with you on the Normandy walk, glad you are still pushing on (KRO). I might join you in 2025 mate. I retired now, so a fiver is all you get this time, however, I’ll buy you a pint in the future. Steve Smith ❤️
Well done mate! As always, you are an inspiration! Enjoy every moment of the walks and I’m sure, a big step towards a return to France and Belgium in the coming years. #LestWeForget