The Police

The Medicine Ball Challenge

One in four adults experience mental illness, and many more of us know and care for people who do. Talking openly about we feel can help.

The challenge involves cuffing a 3kg Medicine Ball to my wrist for 7 days. It may not sound that heavy but being tied to the medicine ball continuously for 7 days is a significant burden. The ball becomes a physical, visual and tangible representation of the invisible burden of mental health so many of us can experience.

The challenge raises money for the following charities. Any support you can offer will be gratefully received and split evenly between the causes.

ABF The Soldiers' Charity

Combat Stress

The Police Benevolent Fund

There is a large crossover between the Military and the Police Force, with both ABF The Soldiers' Charity and Combat Stress supporting former and serving police officers who have served. You can read some examples here:

Thank you to our Sponsors


Jazmine Lightning

Good Luck Big Al - Great cause.


Lauren Gell


Hannah Argent


Jim White

Good luck


Scott Egerton


Adam Moysen

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