
2025 TCS London Marathon


Last time I ran the London marathon it was hard graft. But nonetheless incredible! 

This time I’m doing it again, but I’m also doing it as a #MedBallChallenge. Handcuffing a med ball to my wrist and taking it round with me as a visual representation of the strain of mental health, carrying that weight around. 

I want to smash this fundraising target out of the ball park. And really make a difference to our service people. People who go above and beyond on the daily. 

Very proud to be doing this with my partner by my side too! Wish us luck! 

My Updates

Week 2 complete!

Very much regretting some off choices! 18.5km nipped this week. 

Getting there slowly with the fundraising! 


I am organising a raffle and a pub quiz night on the 15th February to raise funds .

If you want to donate a prize but are not sure what- check out my Amazon wish list! You can purchase something on there that will be delivered straight to my door, but make sure to let me know it was you so I can thank you properly! 

Week 1 nipped!

1st week of training complete!

1st walk!

They say learn to walk before you run. So today I’m just trying to get a feel for the ball. 10% of the target hit and feeling good!

It’s time!

It’s time to start fundraising! I need to get my butt up to at least Cpl fairly soon or work won’t take me seriously ;) 

Thank you all so much for your generosity so far! 

Thank you to my Sponsors




Nidhoggr Mead Co.

Best of Luck!


Ramc Charity

good luck!



Good luck!





Good luck to both of you.


Nathan Davison

Keep doing what you are doing mate, you are a great example to us all.


Eric Hughes

Good luck !!!


1 Medical Regiment Wo And Sgt’s Mess


Duncan Hallam



Wishing you all the best Natasha!!


Sam Glover

Hope this helps.



CHINOOK (@t1rtl on twitter)


Tom Bale

Incredible work, once again mate! I'll take number 12 on the Med Ball naming sheet too please. Carrying the med ball for the marathon is gnarly, such an awesome representation for the burden of mental health challenges 🤙🏻


Cody Fyvie


Suzanne Baylis @my New Normal

With nothing but respect and admiration for you x


Roy Ellis

Slim Polar from X


Hollie Edgington

Good luck!! You are incredible ❤️


Alastair Thomson

Enjoy the journey you’re a legend


Richard Moreland

Happy to sponsor this event as the money raised well make a Huge Difference!


Andy Smith

Aveiwfromthefront on twitter mr_smiff@hotmail.co.uk


Steve Hornsby


Lauren Dransfield

Good luck!!! You'll smash it 💪🥰


Stuart Little

CHINOOK @stulittle1972


Richard Boddy

CHINOOK @rboddy1980


Stephen Hines

Chinook, @hines_Stephen.


Martin Jarvis

Best of luck Tash. More power to you 👍



Good luck - sooner you than me


Lizzie Fisher

See you there! Good luck!


Ian Hamilton


Ade @rocket6165

Good luck, Tash, ecery confidence in you!




Stephen Macfatlaine

Good luck Stephen x


Sam Glover

Good luck…. you’ve got this!


Carolyn & Ken

Good luck to you both


James Grant



For raffle tickets - keep up the amazing work!


Ben Jones




Foxy & Zara

Go smash it mate, and for a fantastic cause raising both funds and more importantly Awareness 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


Dai Tamplin

Well done Tash! X


Daniel J Levy


Bethany Fish


Sarah Budge

Good luck xx



All the best lovely. I'm sure you will smash it like everything else you do.



The world needs more people like you!


Matt Blackwood

You’re an inspiration to many! Go get em!


Jason Osben

Good luck


Adrian Edwards

Best of luck



Well worthy cause.


Nathan Sr



Good luck with the fundraising!



Go smash it Tash (£10 for raffle tickets)


James Grant


Melanie Brown

Keep up the great work mate 😁



You keep being you and continuing to do amazing things!


Kerry Buller

All the best! Lots of love. xxx




Melanie Brown

Keep up the great work 😊


Abi Hannington


Melanie Brown

Mel and Owen Quiz


Abi Hannington


Sam O'neil


Richard George Moreland

CHINOOK @Regiemental



Happy Birthday 🎈


Mark Smith


Rhys Smithson

Good luck - number 9 please


Natalie Owen


Melanie Brown

Another go in another raffle :) x





Good Luck 🤞



Good luck I’m sorry I can’t donate more at this time🥰


Lucy Beaumont

@lucybeaumont number 7 please! Good luck, you'll smash this 💪

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