Chris West

The Frontline Walk 2024: The Normandy Beaches

Join Me in Honoring History and Shaping My Future: A Journey of Transformation

In October 2024, I'll embark on a monumental journey down the historic Normandy Beaches, but this isn't just any walk. It's a trek through history, a test of endurance, and a personal mission of transformation.

At the beginning of 2024, I found myself in the worst physical shape I have ever been, tipping the scales at 17 stone 6 pounds. But standing here today (May 2024), I've shed over two stone, a journey fuelled by determination, discipline, and a desire for change.

My motivation? A dream. In October 2024, I'll exchange vows with the love of my life, and I've set a personal goal to be in the best shape of my life by that momentous day. This journey isn't just about shedding pounds; it's about reclaiming my health, my happiness, and my confidence.

Every step I take along the Normandy coastline is a testament to the sacrifices made by those who fought in World War II. It's a pilgrimage to honour their bravery and resilience, while also recognizing the struggles faced by soldiers and veterans today.

My ultimate challenge lies in trekking 100 km, a feat that symbolizes my commitment to pushing myself and embracing change. I've already made incredible progress, clocking in under 15 stone, a milestone I haven't seen in over a decade.

In April, I walked 37 km in a single day, 5 months ago I could barely do 5 km without being exhausted. This is evidence of the progress I've made and the determination that drives me forward. But this journey is far from over. With every training session, every weekend trek, I'm one step closer to my goal, both on the scale and in my heart.

I invite you to be a part of this journey with me. Your support not only fuels my determination but also contributes to the invaluable work of ABF The Soldiers' Charity. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of soldiers, veterans, and their families, providing the support and assistance they need when they need it most.

So please, join me in honouring the past, shaping the future, and supporting a cause close to my heart. Together, let's make every step count.

Thank you for your generosity and encouragement.


My Achievements

Raised £0

Raised £100

Raised £250

Raised £500

Raised £1,000

Raised £1,500

Raised £2,000

Raised £3,000

Raised £5,000

Raised £10,000

Raised £20,000

Raised £40,000

Raised £60,000

Raised £80,000

Raised £100,000

My Updates

Knocking Down Barriers and Building Endurance on My Journey to 100km

Hello everyone,

I'm excited to share an update on my journey! Since my last post, I've made significant strides towards my goals. I'm thrilled to report that I continue to lose weight and am now under 14 stone. In addition my fitness has continue to improve significantly.  This achievement has been made possible through a combination of a disciplined diet and a consistent gym routine, working out three times a week.

In addition to my weight loss and fitness efforts, I'm also diligently following a training guide to increase the amount of time I spend on my feet. Given my job requires me to sit at a desk for around 8 hours a day, this is proving to be a bigger challenge than I had originally realised. However, I'm committed to adapting to standing and walking more in preparation for the 8-10 hours a day I'll need to be able sustain for the 100km trek.

Your support has been incredibly motivating, and I appreciate every bit of encouragement and sponsorship. If you haven't yet, please consider supporting me and the ABF The Soldiers' Charity. Every contribution helps us support soldiers, veterans, and their families today.

Thank you for being a part of this journey with me!
(Update July 2024)

Thank you to my Sponsors


Chris West


Uncle Richard And Auntie Suzy

Go for it, Chris



Proud of you Bro xx


Mum & Dad

Go, son go! xx





Your unwavering commitment to every challenge you take is something of which you should rightfully be very proud. I have no doubt you will be successful with this very worthy undertaking..


Janette West

Good luck Chris - I’m sure you’ll smash it. Love from the rellies


Caroline & Max

Good luck & well done on your progress so far! x


Karen , Tony & Ben Xx

Great cause Chris ! Best of luck Love from Auntie Karen and Uncle Tony , Ben & Lauren xx




Ashley Cordell

Keep up the great work training - at this rate you’ll be flying round! Good luck and enjoy the walk xx


Andrew & Jennifer C

Well done Chris! Best of luck on your journey.


Ian Ellis

Great cause Chris, good luck with the walk


Nic & Tom Harwood

Go Chris!!


Simon Reay

Good luck Chris! Great cause...


Made Studios

Proud of you Westy.



Eye on the target. You've got this mate!


Annie Prime

Good look Chris, what an amazing challenge!


Simon Fletcher

Good luck lil :)


Julian Barron

Good luck in yourt challenge Chris.


Jan Stienstra

What a great goal for two great causes. Best of luck!


Steve Papworth

Good luck


John Vaquer


Sandra Keane

Good luck!


Zoe Dear

Good luck Chris


Helen Crook

A very worth cause Chris, continue all your great work! Wishing you all the best x


Sam Cordell

Well done mate. Keep up the hard work, i am sure you will smash it.


Zoë Webster

You’ll do amazing Chris. Enjoy it!

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