Agent Smith

Operation Bletchley 2025: Berlin

Distance achieved

140.23 miles


40 miles

Op Bletchley Berlin 2025

I return to operational status as Smudge758 after a 2 year break from ABF and Facebook. This year I hope to do something different in support of Op Bletchley Berlin, having completed London and a My FLW in 2024 to get back into the swing of things, so onwards in 2025 🥾🥾🥾🥾👌

I served in BAOR all through the 80’s during the Cold War - much of this history was real to me, so this will be a good opportunity to remember my time in the Army and have some laughs while supporting a worthy cause.

I'm inspired by the work of the Army Benevolent Fund and wanted to support them by raising money as part of my participation in Operation Bletchley: Berlin.

The more people that know about the Army Benevolent Fund, the greater their impact, so please also spread the word by sharing my page with your friends and family.

Thank you.

My Achievements

My Updates

10 x Mission Days in UK

[SITREP] I have racked up nearly 75 Miles now in total since returning home from Berlin, aiming for 80 Miles by 31/01 Mission ENDEX. I’ve been to some interesting UK locations - yesterday was the AAC Museum in middle Wallop. My fundraising is up to £368 now, so very pleased. [OUT]


Mission Day 10: [FINAL SITREP]: I managed to make it on foot to Großer Müggelsee, the final checkpoint in Berlin for me!. Racked up another 3 Miles getting to the [RV]. I almost failed to leave the Country as my Lysander’s aircraft’s wings had to be de-iced before we took off [for real!]; it was that cold, ice had formed on the wings and flaps - stopping us making our escape to UK. We landed safely 2 hours ago at an undisclosed airfield in the South of England, just need to prepare for HR inquiry on Monday, so just off to the local pub for a pint or 2 🤣 Happy hunting Agents [OUT] 🇬🇧👌🏠hunting Agents [OUT]


101430Z JAN 25 [EXTRACTION] 2 x Coded messages delivered to HQ for Junior & Codebreaker levels. HQ have acknowledged both, BUT have now asked me to URGENTLY return to UK HQ so leaving the [PURPLE PALACE] SAFE-HOUSE now - [AGENT SMUDGE 758 OUT - OUT]🥾🇩🇪🇬🇧✈️

Mission Day 9: Rykestrasse Synagogue

Mission Day 9: Update 2 [SITREP]: Adverse weather had an impact today, I left [RAF GATOW] in the [BRITISH SECTOR] 🇬🇧 via [SPANDAU] infamous for housing a well known Nazi POW, who was guarded 24/7 by [BRITISH] troops. I was covered in sleet and “a bit cold/hurty” as I headed to back to the [SOVIET SECTOR] where I am now being covered by proper heavy snow ❄️🌨️!! Made good progress using [EAST/WEST] 🇩🇪German public transport [TRUCKS = Trams, S-Bahn, U-Bahn und Bendy Busses too] 😀. Managed to rack up over 10 Miles 🥾walking/sliding 🥾, but I made it to the Synagogue ✡️ by nightfall, couldn’t get inside as it was guarded by 2 armed guards, so I met my contact at the nearby Watertower, but before I did, I stealthily took some [INT] shots in the dark and then headed back to the [PURPLE PALACE] to dry out, warm up and eat my rations. [OUT] 🥾🌨️❄️🇩🇪👌❤️


Mission Day 9: [SITREP] HQ sent me a coded message early today letting me know I needed to go back to [RAF GATOW] and get some ‘better intelligence’ 😂 reading between the lines, the message said ‘Go back when the Museum is open you muppet’!! Doh! hence the ‘very tight security’ = Closed 😂 …. Anyhow - I got a lot more [INT] and also ‘got my geek on’ as my Agent speciality is “anything shiny and dangerous looking” So [STANDBY] for a Cold War Aircraft extravaganza - and a few pics related to the Berlin Airlift [OPERATION PLAINFARE] 🇬🇧🇩🇪❄️Clocked up another 7 Miles 🥾so far in the sleet and snow. [OUT]


Thanks to all of you wonderful sponsors - I smashed my fundraising target for the ABF and completed the mileage yesterday - I’ve been averaging 9 Miles per day; Cracked the Junior code last night - still hard though!! Working on the Codebreaker 7/10 so far! 2 More days to go in Berlin, then home for Tea & Medals on Friday night. Thanks again folks❤️🥾🇩🇪❄️🍺

Day 8 Update 3 & 4 ALEXDRAPLATZ

Mission Day 8: Update 4: [SITREP] Completed a long day today, very cold, although tomorrow it is expected to be worse ❄️🌨️ After the [MISSION] locations for today were achieved, I visited some other Iconic EAST/WEST German sites, did some further “blending in” [Ate MORE Bratties]🌭🌭🌭😂 Here’s a few more [INT] Pics of the rest of the Afternoon. [OUT]🇩🇪👌🥾🥾🥾🥾🥾 Mission Day 8: Update 3: The Führerbunker - bulldozed over by the [SOVIETS] ✅ - no selfies at this [LOC] and minimal time spent here today as this Agent has American/Jewish GI heritage, say no more 🇺🇸✡️ !! [SITREP] Mission Mileage accomplished at 41.65 Miles after today’s 8.3 Miles, Codebreaking 6/10 but working on Junior & Codebreaker tonight. I’ve got 2 more days in the field left, so planning on a few more missions 🇩🇪🥾👍 [OUT]

Mission Day 8 Update 1 & 2

Mission Day 8: Update 2: East German STASI HQ [SITREP] Travelled deeper into the [SOVIET SECTOR] the heartland of the EAST German State 🇩🇪👀 I cunningly used my Agent skills managing to get into the [STASI HQ] Ministry for State Security - a real eye opener!! 3 Floors of Spy Tradecraft and institutional state paranoia, lock picking, audio & video surveillance, covert cameras, mail interception and the sheer amount of [HUMINT] due to vast number of citizen informants. The buildings were all pretty grim too; I also found Mr MARKUS WOLF!!! [INT] who is a key individual on our mission brief. There are many pictures to share, so I hope other Agents get to review the report when not in the field🕵️‍♂️👀🇩🇪. Another 3 Miles to add, getting close to target [WAIT OUT]. < Reading some of the cases, I understand now why German privacy laws are so robust in our modern world >

Mission Day 8: Update 1

Mission Day 8: Update 1: [SITREP] A Baltic ❄️ morning today, I set off early to test my “hurty legs & feet” and while my [OPPO] - interpreter, navigator, crypto analyst was still in [S-S-S Mode = 💩🪒🚿] 😂The first [RV] of the day was only a mile from the [SAFEHOUSE] so I set off alone and achieved the Mission. Saw some pretty heavy duty bollards erected to try and stop citizens defecting to the [EAST]. I also saw that the local [CIV POP] are very supportive of our collective Agents efforts “BZ” can be seen in big red letters on a prominent building adjacent to our [SAFEHOUSE - to be known as PURPLE PALACE] pictured in my [INT] Report; there is apparently a network of these PURPLE PALACES dotted across Europe [OUT]🇩🇪🥾😂❄️

Mission Day 7: Update 3:

Mission Day 7: Final Update: [SITREP] I monitored suspicious activities at [FRIEDRICHSTRASSE S-BAHN] Station, then I crossed back on foot into WEST Berlin eventually at 071500Z via [CHECKPOINT CHARLIE] into the [AMERICAN SECTOR] 🇺🇸completing 10 Miles on foot today 🥾 [INT] gathering and photographing many aspects of [SOVIET SECTOR] daily activities, I was stopped and challenged, but the ID papers provided by [903 FSS] held up and I was able to continue unhindered. A useful/tasty cover story highlight was scoffing huge amounts of currywurst, mayo & fries “to maintain operational cover” [OBS] 😂 blending in while watching [EAST GERMAN] activities. Finally boarded a truck back to the [SAFEHOUSE] Agent SMUDGE758 [OUT]👌🍺

Mission Day 7; Update 2

Mission Day 7: Update 2: [INT] THE WALL…. Previous [INT] reports of the increasingly robust [EAST GERMAN] Barrier are correct, I spent 45 minutes documenting a single section, it is truly intimidating! Witnessed evidence of 136 souls lost while attempting to cross, very sad to see the age span of those who lost their lives [RIP] ❤️🇩🇪

Mission Day 7: Update 1

Mission Day 7: Update 1 [SITREP] A cold sunny morning greeted me as I left the [SAFEHOUSE] and ventured towards the [SOVIET SECTOR]. Headed through the Tiergarten and came across a huge Russian checkpoint [War Memorial], so took some [INT] shots of the T34’s and Artillery pieces set up facing WEST. I moved on to the next [RV] Reichstag building. I was followed, but used some ‘Tradecraft’ to slip them in the Tiergarden. Agent SMUDGE 758 added another 4 miles to my Tally! 🥾👌Next [INT] report to follow - [WAIT OUT] ❄️🇩🇪👀

Mission Day 6 - WEST BERLIN

Mission Day 6: Update 1: [SITREP] Moved on foot from the [SAFEHOUSE] to RV with the contact from 903 FSS at Ferhberlliner Platz. Light drizzle, took some [INT] shots on route for other Agents to follow; The FSS building is in the central plaza; I’ve been issued some ID docs and maps to help us on the ground; Moving to next [LOC] OUT.🥾🇩🇪👀 Mission Day 6: Update 2: [SITREP] Walked a few more miles through the city, then managed to get on the back of a truck for a few miles towards RAF GATOW; [INT] managed to take pictures of some of the Dakota transport aircraft being used for [OPERATION PLAINFARE] during the Berlin Airlift. The security was very tight, but we met our contact and are ready for the next step. Heading back into the City now for a debrief and some rations. [OUT]🥾🇩🇪🇬🇧🥾👀 8 MILES clocked up today👍

Mission Day 5: Update 2

Mission Day 5: Update 2 [SITREP] [INFIL completed 052300Z]. Agent SMUDGE 758 Arrived at the Berlin [SAFEHOUSE] after a long journey into the [BRITISH SECTOR], a smattering of snow laying on the ground, no issues with Border control. I’ve set up the suitcase radio in the loft so we can get our [INT] reports to HQ. Now drinking a Berliner Pilsner so I blends in with the locals. [OUT] — at Kurfürstendamm (Berlin U-Bahn).


A REAL WORLD UPDATE: This is my 7th Operation Bletchley and like many of you, I really enjoy these virtual challenges for the ABF, I've had a couple of years break and also left social media for a while, so I'm sure there are many Agents in this group more seasoned than I, that by now have done 10 or more Op Bletchleys while I've been on my sabatical - BZ to all of you 👏; it's a great feeling supporting something you care about while having fun doing it. Anyhoo…. this time I wanted to do something a bit different, so “Mrs Agent SMITH” 😄 has approved my expenses for a trip to BERLIN; This post is a heads up that my whacky Facebook posts for the next week will be mixing the virtual and real world of Cold War Berlin. I'm very much looking forward to returning to Germany after over 40 years since my first Army deployment in BAOR [British Army of the Rhine] during Exercise LIONHEART in 1984. This week I'm going to try to visit the 10 ABF Op locations, doing as much of the 40 miles walking as I can by visiting other iconic Cold War / WWII sites; codebreaking & sending pictures of what I find. If anyone else is over here - happy to RV for a coffee or a Beer🍺🍻🇩🇪😄 I’m at the airport now, the next time I pop up on FB I’ll be ‘in the field’, so fingers crossed I don’t get caught [OUT]. < ABF HQ's Agent L was warned about my planned shennanigins a few weeks ago and agreed to keep ‘stum’ until I was ready to travel > 👍 🥾🇩🇪

Mission Day 3: Gosport Coffee Stop

Mission Day 3: 3.3 Miles with Agent Mrs Smith and Molly dog, all wearing our UK cold weather gear! Quick coffee in town then home again 🥾☕️✅❄️

Mission Day 2: Pompey Harbour

Mission Day 2:[SITREP]: Managed to get on an Irish Navy Minesweeper for an overnight crossing from Dublin to England, it was a bit choppy at times 🤢🤮, but we sailed into Portsmouth harbour for the early morning sunrise.[INT] I’ve managed to find some photographs of a section of the Berlin Wall which the Soviets have constructed, these images were taken outside the IWM London decades apart, with 2 small trainee agent Smith’s checking the wall’s concrete ballistic characteristics back in 2006 😁and a clean shaven Agent Smith re-confirming the structural integrity nearly 2 decades later in 2021, whilst on an ABF mission in London; “Change Your Life” has always resonated with my family, written as graffiti on the Berlin wall, it sent a strong message. [MISSION] I’ve clocked up enough miles to get my first code, I can plan the next stage of the mission [OUT] < Berlin Wall - Imperial War Musuem London, Berlin Brigade Chieftain tank - National Army Museum London, Random Navy minesweeper > 👀 — at Portsmouth Harbour.

Mission Day 1: Dublin

Mission Day 1: I’ve done my first few miles[TAB] on a breezy 2025 day in Dublin. I’ll be going on [Radio Silence] for a few days until I get my first code hopefully - then I’ll be fully operational. Happy hangovers Brave Agents - “Sláinte” from the Emerald Isle 🥃🇮🇪🥾🕵️‍♂️

Berlin British Sector Sign

One of our local military picture shops had a genuine Berlin British Sector sign; managed to get a photo for our charity work.

Berlin Maps

I have started watching some documentaries, looking at Berlin maps including the Cold War sectors, in prep and before the event starts in January. I was stationed in BAOR during the early to late 80’s so I lived it to a certain degree.

Thank you to my Sponsors


Peter Gomez

Well done Steve


Fam Smiff

Keep going!


Ann Thomas



Double Bubble



Babcock are proud to double your donation today! Thank you for your amazing support to the Army Benevolent Fund


Anya Page

Your SIT REPS and ‘spamming’ from the field in Berlin have brightened up a dull January. Thank you (Agents Page and Greymuzzle)



Babcock are proud to double your donation today! Thank you for your amazing support to the Army Benevolent Fund










Judes & Nina

Oodles of Love Judes & Nina xxx


Martin Keable




Emma Rowlands

Good luck Bro, I’m proud of you. Enjoy and take care. Love Emma.


Steve Smih


Steve Smith

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